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Senior Consultant - Excella

Responsibilities include developing graphics and animated videos for an internal IRS website, managing said SharePoint site, developing a communications plan to announce and implement an enterprise-wide IT modernization effort, and acting as the Scrum Master for the Agile Central team. 

September 2021 - Current (2022)

UX Designer - SAIC

Responsibilities included building/testing the UX on an internal IRS Sharepoint site, creating graphics/presentations for Agile training, and creating animated videos to demonstrate Agile concepts to IRS employees. Additional responsibilities included copy-editing blogs/trainings and development of a brand for the Agile Central team.

September 2020 - September 2021 (Contract Ended)


Art Director - Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

Responsibilities included creating a variety of print/digital materials - from printed quarterly impact reports to graphic/UX elements for the organization’s website to animated videos. Refreshed brand identity across email marketing and social media. Managed design identity/branding for multiple fundraising campaigns and events.

February 2020 - September 2020


Multimedia Designer/Campaign Specialist - SAIC

Worked in a variety of roles on the corporate communications team at SAIC. Created graphics for both internal and external-facing materials, across a variety of print and digital media. Additional duties included video pre- and post-production, video scriptwriting, event and portrait photography, copywriting for external facing company website, 2D GFX animation, and tradeshow booth design and management for both large and small industry events. 

June 2016 - February 2020


Assistant Director - Stone Branch School of Art

Responsibilities as a teacher included teaching 8 classes a week - 5 classes for grades K-3, 2 classes for pre-K, and 1 class for grades 3-12. Taught art foundation for younger students and a comic book composition class for older students. Administrative duties as assistant director included organizing and promoting events, maintaining master client list, and email/social media marketing. Additional responsibilities included, but not limited to, designing all print ads and promotional materials, advertisements for print publications, as well as large format banners and posters. Redesigned the organization's website and created/stewarded a consistent brand identity across all materials.

August 2014 - June 2016



  • Photoshop

  • Illustrator

  • InDesign

  • Premiere

  • After Effects

  • Audition

  • Dimension

  • MS Office and Mac OS Equivalent

  • Microsoft SharePoint

  • CSS Edit/Dreamweaver/JavaScript

  • Wordpress


  • Scriptwriting/Storyboarding

  • Professional Copywriting

  • Event/Portrait Photography

  • Videography/Animation

  • Illustration

  • Fine Art Instruction with
    2 Years+ Classroom Experience





BFA Graphic Design

Virginia Commonwealth University






The most memorable kind of communication comes through telling and sharing authentic stories. I have always been passionate about the art of storytelling - whether through graphic design, writing, videography, photography, or illustration.


Regardless of the format, I always try to incorporate storytelling into my work. I've worked in a wide variety of industries, from small businesses, to nonprofits, to a Fortune 500 brand.​

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